Many people in America are scratching their heads today, wondering how life got to be so crazy and surreal. The answer: We are living in an age of “mass delusion and logicide.”

Simply put, the left has been using social and depth psychology on the masses for decades. They use political propaganda to sway/mobilize the masses to carry out their agenda.

This is what community organizers do like President Barack Obama. Aiding them are the media, pop culture, Hollywood and academia. Examples of their indoctrination are same-sex marriage, transgenderism, man-made global warming, political correctness, Occupy Wall Street and labeling cops racist. In one of our local public libraries, LGBT books are in full display even though children are nearby. The promotion of this issue is wrong and is possibly brainwashing.

Sadly, most Americans are sleeping through these propaganda battles and few have the courage to voice their opinions. Also, there is no real debate on the merit of policies (illegal immigration), and anyone who disagrees is labeled racist, denier or nuts. Conditioning and managing the masses is nothing new and is a trick used by dictators.

How are the masses controlled? By the breakdown of the family/communities, decline of morals, ignorance cultivated in schools, attacks on Western civilization by academia and political correctness. All of these promote confusion and amounts to an act of “logicide,” which is to kill logic and reason that could stand in the way. Hate language is used to stir up emotion. Does this not sound like what is happening in America today?

The image of mass delusion in America is surreal. Many of these mobs today do not live in reality. But why would anyone want a culture of coercion? The answer is power, not equality as claimed by many. The sole purpose of such deceptions is to transfer power from individuals to a centralized state, using emotional blackmail of people of good will. We must not forget the government doesn’t get to dictate how we feel, think, believe and express.

How can we protect ourselves against this brainwashing?

First, we must understand it. A good read is The Rape of the Mind by Joost Meerloo. He explains “that the transformation of the free mind to an automatically response machine is driven by delusion. A delusion is simply a question of organizing and manipulating collective feelings, isolate the masses, allowing no free thinking, no free exchange, no outside correction, and hypnotizing the group daily with noises, the press, radio, TV, with fear pseudo-enthusiasms.”

Wake up from your slumber, America. The antedote to mass delusion is free speech (promotes logic), the search for the truth, friendship, humor and awareness. America is exceptional because it rejects tyrants who are against free expression. Let’s keep it that way.

Diana Thorn