A black bear peers out at night from between the branches of a tree (Debra Maki photo)
Properly storing food is a good way to keep black bears away from a campsite. (Debra Maki photo)

Black bears are locals here. They roam extensively through the National Forest, parks, campgrounds, private lands, and even into our outlying neighborhoods.

Following are some ways you can prevent conflicts with bears this summer and what to do if you encounter a bear.

Bears typically come out of hibernation in March or April, depending on weather conditions.

During the spring, plants and insects make up a majority of a black bear’s diet, but bears have an amazing sense of smell and will eat the same type of food that people eat if it’s easily accessible.

Many of the conflicts between people and bears happen because the bears start scavenging for the food that humans are eating and cooking while camping, which often takes place in the bear’s natural habitat.

Even though they’re incredibly strong and surprisingly fast, black bears will typically do everything they can to avoid people. When a bear finds food, though, that all changes.

A bear will often become aggressive toward anything or anyone it perceives as threatening the area where it found the food.

Here are a few simple tips to keep both you and the bears safe while you are out recreating in bear country, which includes much of the back country including foothills and canyons throughout the state:

Bear-proof your food and supplies

Store your food, snacks and scented items (such as deodorant and toothpaste) in an area where a bear can’t get to them. Do not leave them out on tables or keep them in your tent. Storing them in a locked trailer or locking them in the trunk of your car are both good options.

Storing food and scented items in these areas will reduce the chance that a bear smells them. And, if a bear does make its way to the area where you’re staying, if it isn’t rewarded with food, it will likely move on.

Keep your cooking area clean

After you’ve finished eating, thoroughly clean utensils and anything else that was used to prepare or eat the food.

Don’t dump oil or grease from pots or pans onto the ground. Instead, put the oil or grease in a sealed container, and take it home with you.

By keeping your campsite’s cooking and eating areas clean, you reduce the chance that a bear will smell food and trash and be lured to your camp.

Keep your campsite clean

Don’t leave food scraps and other trash scattered around your campsite or cabin area. Put it in trash bags, and take it home with you. Make sure to wipe down picnic tables and keep the area free of food and other debris.

Always keep your campsite or cabin area clean because a dirty campsite can attract bears long after you’ve left.

Never feed a bear

This may seem like common sense, but it’s worth noting. Although bear cubs may seem cute, you should absolutely never feed one — or an adult bear for that matter. They are wild animals and natural predators.

Once a bear loses its fear of people, wildlife biologists and conservation officers are left with something they dread — having to euthanize an animal to keep the public safe.

By not providing a bear with food, you can help keep it safe, too.

Know what to do if you encounter a bear (from a Utah wildlife department release)

• Stand your ground: Never back up, lie down or play dead. Stay calm and give the bear a chance to leave. Prepare to use your bear spray or another deterrent.
• Don’t run away or climb a tree. Black bears are excellent climbers and can run up to 35 mph — you cannot out-climb or outrun them.
• Know bear behavior. If a bear stands up, grunts, moans or makes other sounds, it’s not being aggressive. These are the ways a bear gets a better look or smell and expresses its interest.
• If a black bear attacks, always fight back. And never give up! People have successfully defended themselves with almost anything: rocks, sticks, backpacks, water bottles, and even their hands and feet.

Capt. David Bacon is a boating safety consultant and expert witness, with a background in high-tech industries and charter boat ownership and operation. He teaches classes for Santa Barbara City College and, with a lifelong interest in wildlife, writes outdoors columns for Noozhawk and other publications. The opinions expressed are his own.