Finding the sweet spot can be quite exhilarating!

As an avid golfer there have been times when I knew for certain, after making contact with that little ball, I definitely hit the sweet spot. It still occurs with my putter even after playing the challenging game for more than 60 years.

Once in a great while my driver will still telegraph that best of feelings to my very core. In my younger days, that sensation came quite frequently, and I was rewarded with the thrill of excellent shots that amazingly ended up in the hole or quite close to it.

Perhaps another illustration will better present this concept.

More than likely you’ve tried your hand at bowling. And perhaps you’ve experienced the sweetness of seeing a perfectly delivered ball scattering those 10 pins in all directions.

There’s not just the vision — there’s also the cracking sound as the ball hits the sweet spot of the rack. Many have been hooked on the sport after that phenomenal experience.

Since my hometown of Santa Barbara is well-known for its surfing spots, let’s also consider the exhilaration of catching a perfect wave and riding it to the very end.

Many in this community seem to find excuses to opt out of work when the surf’s up! Yes, they secretly seek that perfect wave.

But nothing compares with finding that sweet spot in life!

Recently, I was blessed with just that. This came to pass after 40 years living a worldly existence followed by another 40 years of faithfully serving Christ as my Savior and Lord.

As I now draw closer to the end of my time here on earth, my Lord has apparently brought me to a beautiful conclusion. I plan to ride this sweet wave as long as I possibly can — until He takes me home as my third act comes to its inevitable end.

Let me share my personal experience.

A few weeks back, I found myself being abruptly awakened from a deep sleep not once, nor two or three times, but upon the fourth occasion I realized what I was being told.

There was no voice, but I clearly understood that I would be a changed person that very morning. All anxious thought were gone and I sensed an unexplainable peace.

Now in the midst of my sixth week of heavenly bliss, I must write about this miraculous transformation.

After returning from Vietnam in 1968, PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) has often reared its ugly head and affected my behavior in diverse ways over the past 50-plus years. I’ve never been clinically diagnosed with PTSD, but believe me, it’s real.

Miraculously, I now know the Holy Spirit has taken away all the anxious thoughts of the past. My prayer over many years has been answered and I am now transformed into a man who is certainly more pleasing to my Lord.

I am being perfected in Christ and I sense the Holy Spirit filling me as never before.

Listen to James 5:15-16 and realize our Lord is faithful and will answer our prayers in His perfect time:

“And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

Passages to Ponder

Jim Langley has been writing for more than 30 years while working as a life and health insurance agent in Santa Barbara. In recent years, his passion has turned to writing about his personal relationship with God, and his goal is to encourage others to draw near to Him as well. As a longtime member of CBMC of Santa Barbara (Christian Business Men’s Connection), he started writing Fourth Quarter Strategies columns in 2014, and he now reaches an international audience through the CBMC International devotional Monday Manna. He can be contacted at for more information. The opinions expressed are his own.