Identity theft has become the fastest-growing white-collar crime in America. With your name, social security number and date of birth, a thief can apply for everything from a credit card or a bank loan to an insurance policy.

In a seminar focused on serving women who wish to take charge of their financial futures, expand their knowledge and build their confidence regarding wealth, privacy and security, Santa Barbara attorney and privacy law specialist Sanford Horowitz will speak about identity theft.

Horowitz earned his Juris Doctor degree from the University of San Diego School of Law, then began his law career as a prosecutor for the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office.

He has spoken throughout Santa Barbara County at numerous school events and public informational sessions on the importance of internet safety and the dangers of cyberbullying and cyberstalking. 

Horowitz will provide tips on guarding against identity theft, and Certified Financial Planner Cathy Cash of Morton Capital Management will outline the value of truly independent investment advice for independent women. 

The Wine, Women & Wealth presentation will take place from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 27, 2016, at the Santa Barbara Club, which is located at 1105 Chapala Street in Santa Barbara.

Ed Seaman represents Horowitz Law.