A vehicle crashed into a Goleta 7-Eleven Thursday afternoon. No customers or employees were injured, County Fire officials said.
A vehicle crashed into a Goleta 7-Eleven Thursday afternoon. No customers or employees were injured, County Fire officials said. Credit: Santa Barbara County Fire photo

A vehicle drove into a Goleta 7-Eleven on Thursday afternoon and caused major damage, the Santa Barbara County Fire Department said.

No customers or employees were injured in the crash, County Fire Capt. Scott Safechuck said.

The collision was reported at the 7390 Calle Real store at 3:34 p.m.

The vehicle with two men inside drove fully inside the store, and the driver was transported to Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital with minor injuries, Safechuck said.

He said the store was closed Thursday afternoon and fire personnel were helping with clean-up at the scene.

No further information was available.

This has happened before: a SUV crashed into the same 7-Eleven convenience store in June 2016.